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Self-care gift ideas for a dear friend or family member

Updated: Dec 13, 2024


Sometimes, a gift can be something someone deeply longs for, whether he/she knows about it or not. Having a moment to take care of ourselves, to deepen the connection to ourselves, to bond with our bodies, or just to rest is a deeply valuable gift to oneself and our loved ones.

Here are some gifts that we love to receive again and again:

Body-to-heart exploration booklet

The art of self-massage is a beautifully illustrated story about Abhyanga, the ayurvedic self-massage. People who have tried it feel this is one of the best self-care rituals you can give to yourself!

This sweet little story of self care has become part of my daily ritual.. I love it! - Kim

Ayurvedic face cream

Our favourite face cream is made by our friend Jasmijn with a rose or lavender fragrance. Jasjimn is an Ayurvedic practitioner and herbalist. She makes this cream herself, and it is a delight for all who come into contact with it. It lasts super long, as you just need a bit of it. Write her an email, she’ll make it fresh for you!

Me-time candle set

This is a beautiful reminder to take a moment for yourself with the candle-timer of our dear friend Ismini. Yes, we talk about these a lot because we simply love them! They allow us to create a warm moment and space to be with ourselves. You can light up one for a bath, a moment of reading, a massage, a meditation. They are beautiful reminders to pause, to stop for a while and take time for yourself.

Free yoga nidra session

You have no budget but want to offer something nourishing to a dear one? Find a free yoga nidra meditation on Yoga Nidra Network. This one is my favourite one for rest in English and this one in French. The network does fantastic work bringing a free library of yoga nidra practices, if you have a bit of budget maybe give them a donation and pair your gift with a beautiful set of cards to remember to take time for self-love and share it with others.

Face massage

Face massage is a beautiful present to oneself. We are busy working on an exploration booklet about it but in the meantime offering a guasha tool is a magnificent reminder that 5-10 minutes per day for oneself can allow us to feel more open and energized. This kind of massage promotes lymphatic drainage allowing circulation of water and emotions within oneself.

Eucalyptus branches

A small budget gift with a high impact of joy is to offer a bunch of eucalyptus branches (most of the flower shops have them) to hang up in the shower with a string. The idea is that the hot water runs over it creating a delicate but beautiful smell. A spa treatment at home basically! You can find some inspiration here.

Tea & tea meditation

All three of us are fans of tea and tea meditation. Tea or camilla sinensis is a beautiful, warm teacher encapsulated in a cup to support you in embracing yourself fully. We love the work of Jade from Waotea, both her guided meditations as well as her teas are a true gift. If we had to pick only one tea, it would be elysian, a cup of love, an embrace, the power of water.

A hot drink

Any hot drink is a physical invitation to sit and pause. We love the teas of Jade but also love to give ourselves a cup of ceremonial cacao from Pure Kakaw for instance or a matcha latte from Tea the moment, especially with Minor Figures Oat Barista milk which is our favourite one! Here you have also a recipe for making your matcha latte.

A massage

And of course, if budget or the wish is here, a massage is a delight to receive either from yourself to your loved one or by one of these amazing therapists: Jessica & Mélissa (Montpellier/Nimes), Marie-Cécile(Beaujolais), Jasmijn (Eindhoven), Ombretta & Tory (Amsterdam) but also a sound healing can be deeply nourishing (e.g. by Maxime, Beaujolais)

We hope this inspires you to find what fits your needs or your friend's, happy exploring!

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