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Gift ideas to connect to nature

Updated: Dec 17, 2024

Feeling connected to nature as we walk our path, is maybe one of the most beautiful things we can experience in life. It can be a gentle reminder like the wonder of the colour of a leaf, the sun shining behind a tree, the rivers passing by, or a simple insect crossing our path. It tells us: “You are part of the whole, you are welcome, you belong!”

This whisper in a rainbow, in a goose looking in your eyes, in the haze moving with the wind, is what truly makes your heart feel happy and safe. It makes you feel embraced by wholeness and keeps you in wonder in this journey called “life.”

So here are some ideas to support a friend or your family in their journey, in their connection to nature:

A voucher for a silent walk or a playful nature exploration

Take your loved one for a silent walk in nature, play a game, or organise a treasure hunt*. Do you live in the city? Go to a park or find nature growing between the concrete tiles. Nature is everywhere, it is just a matter of attuning your senses to it. Take time to see, touch, and smell and bring a hot drink in a thermos and some cake to enjoy the journey.

*Some tips about organising a treasure hunt:

This is a fun activity to do not only for those who play it but also for you as the creative one organising it. We do these things regularly when we meet each other, as they bring us all the things we love: nature, playfulness, surprises, and movement. How to create your own treasure hunt? Start by taking a moment for yourself, maybe go for a walk or sit down with pen and paper. Create a story in your head, that will provide a frame to the treasure hunt. E.g. you could create a story around the 5 elements, that got lost and need to be re-found in order to find the treasure - you can think of an actual treasure or more a goal of the game like the restoring of balance in the world through bringing back the 5 elements. Next, you can come up with a challenge for each element. This is just one idea, but don’t limit yourself to it, maybe travel back to your childhood and think of the stories and characters that captured you back then! 

Nature wisdom cards

Connecting to nature is also about looking through the eyes of a child again. Seeing each animal, insect, and plant as a signpost put by life, to support us and see more clearly through our everyday challenges. It is believing in the big mystery again.

To support this we love the cards & book set from Jamie Sams & David Carson. Based on ancestral wisdom, they guide you to see the animals and insects around you as a source of wisdom. The card set: The wonder of nature from the school of life, is doing the same but based more on philosophy.

Nature camps for children

For the little ones (up to 12 years old) nature camps during the holidays such as those of Méjane in the Beaujolais, France are a great gift and invitation to connect, explore and play in nature. Have a look at what is already offered in your area, this is a really great gift for a child of your tribe.

Méjane also offers some educative plays in schools and as after/outside of-school activities. Contact her or your school if you live somewhere else to organise this also for your child's class (budget for it is often found in the school budget so your gift is just to bring the idea there!)

Tea meditation

The guided tea meditation from Jade and her book are beautiful remembrances of the essence of life. A delicate way to explore the 5 elements while drinking tea. Available in English and French.

Book: Alchimie Végétal

The beautiful book Alchimie Végétale by Séverine Perron & Laura Wencker (only in French) is a delightful way to understand differently and experience the rhythm of the outer and inner seasons through our connection to plants.

The right clothes to enjoy time outdoors all year round

Last but not least: clothes! As they say in the north of Europe “There is no bad weather just bad clothing” So to enjoy all year long being outside, the right type of clothes are key. For me the key items that have made me an outdoor addict:

#1: Our dog Vos -okay, that doesn't count as clothing, but he's definitely a high motivation to go outside every day!

#2: Wool and silk underlayers. This is my favourite brand.

#3: Waterproof & shoes with a grip like the one of Salomon

#4: A Waterproof jacket & pants

With those, there is no excuse not to enjoy the outdoors all year, even when the weather becomes wet and cold, because wonder is there all the time, reminding you in each step of the joy of being alive here and now, inspiring you, and embracing you.

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