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Make use of our playful g(u)ardening tools to connect with what you need to grow into your unique expression and potential to the world.


You don’t have to do it on your own, nor transform your “shit” alone.


Reconnect to the web of life, people, and nature in a playful way. Our explorative booklets and workshops guide you through this, and support you in getting your well-deserved nourishment. 

Hello you,

Discover playful booklets to support you on your journey.

Our tools support the unfolding of the little seed inside you, allowing you to grow and shine in your fullest expression. 

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Our explorative booklets invite you to reconnect with your roots, roots that are intertwined with others, and get from there your well-deserved nourishment. Connect with what you need to keep growing into your unique, individual expression and potential.  

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"I really liked the little illustrated guides, they are beautiful and nourishing in form, writing and intention."



We are friends, creatives, therapists, writers, foodies and life lovers who believe in the support of this invisible network that connects us all and supports us in following our natural journey. The journey, which allows that seed inside of us to grow and unfold into its unique, beautiful expression.

Stay connected.

Here and there we share inspiration and updates, feel free to join our mailing list. 

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Follow @theguardeners on Instagram

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