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Morning ritual around a hot drink.

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Wintertime is an excellent moment to come back to our morning rituals. A gentle morning routine eases the start into a new day. It allows for a transition from our sleepy bodies into a new, wakeful day.

Step into the day being awake and conscious about this gift of a new day, this fresh start. Taste how it feels to interrupt your morning routine and take a conscious moment, just a few minutes, to start this new day consciously.

The ritual

* Start the day with a hot cup of your favourite drink - e.g. coffee, tea, or cacao, and a moment of full dedication to it. Once you prepared your drink, find a nice spot for yourself, maybe nearby a window or even outside if you feel like it. Take a moment to observe the steam coming out of the cup, feel the warmth on your hands, smell your drink, and connect with all your senses. While you enjoy your drink, look around you, outside, and say hello to this new day. *

Some of our favorite drinks to help us ease into the day:


Some personal experiences with this ritual, may they inspire you to create your own.

Natacha’s experience:

I love to start my day, by opening our garden door. I wake up early, often before the sun is up, it’s often a silent moment, where the birds are the only ones talking. I stand there looking at the sky, with my glass of hot water. Just hot water.

I drink slowly, becoming fully aware of the chance I have to have a new day to live. How many of us won’t have the chance to see today? How lucky I am to see and feel all this beauty! The sky, the birds singing, the wind playing music with the leaves, the rain dropping... Whatever the weather is, for me this moment is a moment of wonder, a moment of deep connection to life, while the warm water is slowly waking me up from inside.

Drinking this hot water for me is a way of stopping just before starting anything else, to align my inner frequency of wonderment, connection, and gratitude, which are some of the key qualities I wish to carry with me during the day. Curious to know what are yours.

Natacha is part of the G(u)ardeners collective.

Jade’s experience:

What is your favourite drink to start the day? My favourite drink to start the day is hot water. Then I sit for tea meditation. How does your favourite drink help you step into the day? Why has it become a morning ritual for you? Tea meditation helps me step into my day because it reminds me to take deep breaths before engaging mindfully into my day, helps me return to myself, and to focus on the essential. What is your ritual with your drink? I sit in meditation with tea, starting with breathwork, tea ritual, followed by a meditation, then either writing or intuitive movements. Did you also in one moment of your life think you had no time for a morning ritual, if yes, how did it change for you? It is all a matter of prioritizing. Morning rituals became essential for me and I always find a way to integrate them into my life.

Jade is the founder of WAO TEA.

Erik’s experience:

What is your favourite drink to start the day? My favourite drink in the morning is with 20gr cacao, 80ml water, 40ml oat milk, cinnamon, cayenne, and some optional other spices or functional mushroom extracts. How does your favourite drink help you step into the day? Why has it become a morning ritual for you? I love it to start the day with, it gives me a clear and positive energy and creates a bubble of attention to what I want to do. It also is an intentional moment to start the day. What is your ritual with your drink? My ritual is mainly making the drink with intention. Although I'm quite efficient with it, it does not have to take a lot of time. Depending on the day I like to take extra time and attention for it. Did you also in one moment of your life think you had no time for a morning ritual, if yes, how did it change for you? Having a morning ritual really depends day to day for me. Also, I change it over time as I like to change ways of doing something or to change between yoga, running, other sports, different foods, different weather/climates. So many variables. Also, time can be a constraint to tending to a morning ritual.

Eric is one of the founders of PURE KAKAW.

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